Sketchup SketchyPhysics 3.2 drivable police car tutorial. From Nigel Ward. Let's take a typical car component from the Sketchup 3D warehouse and make it drivable (the SketchyPhysics plugin must be installed for this to work). This same video is on YouTube at This is a track I made with Sketchyphysics 3.2. Please rate and tell me if improvments are needed for this model. Donload SU PHysics 3.2 @ the link below. This 3D model was originally created with Sketchup 13 and then converted to all other 3D formats. Native format is.skp 3dsmax scene is 3ds Max 2016 version, rendered with Vray 3.00 same model of Amphibian Vehicle with Terrain SketchyPhysics created by november92 I like a lot of his model and sorry for not asking permission to do this:) I hope you all will enjoy, L2(reverse) R2(forward) left.


I have seen a few posts complaining about how when you download sketchyphysics 3.2 it installs as 3.1... So its clearly an issue and the website has zero response from the creator. So I was wondering...

Does anyone have a working Sketchyphysics 3.2 install file they can share with the rest of us? It was a free program so I am sure sharing it is not illegal. But its a great but limited program if you only have 3.1. So if anyone can help out I am sure a TON of people will be very grateful!!!

How To Install Sketchyphysics 3 2018
Thanks in Advance!
How To Install Sketchyphysics 3 2.4
SketchyPhysicsShetchyPhysics is an add-on to sketchup that allows you to add functions like movement and gravity to your models. It is not a stand alone program. It simply adds more tools to your regular sketchup. SketchyPhysics: Frozen Assignment attachment at the bottom of the page |
SketchyPhysics: Greek Temple Learn The basics, Crash a Temple. Shapes: StaticMesh, Box, Sphere, Cylinder, Cone,.... States: Static, Ignore, Frozen You need your GreekTemple II for this exercise. Your name MUST be on every Pillar for check off !! Assignment attachment at the bottom of the page |
| SketchyPhysics can be very 'sketchy'. If you do anything wrong it will crash the program. * Never work on a model while you are in play mode. REWIND FIRST ! * Never SAVE while you are in play mode. REWIND FIRST ! * Save often, using different names (ex. 'stargaard v1', 'stargaard v2', 'stargaard v3',....) Do this every time you have reached a milestone that works. | SketchyPhysics: Dominos and Teeter-Totters Practice the basics. Design your own tricks. Your name MUST be on every domino for check off !! | SketchyPhysics: Hinges, Servos, and Motors Learn the basics of adding movement through hinges, servos and motors. Your name MUST be on every hammer for check off !! Assignment attachment at the bottom of the page | SketchyPhysics: Moving Gears Add movement to a complex gear-train using motors. Do this BEFORE you add the Motors | Using the SketchyPhysics skills you have learned, Download the Front Loader at the bottom of the page. Make the loader arm/bucket move. More realistic = max. points. See Stargaard for more information. Your name MUST be on every part for check off !! Assignment attachment at the bottom of the page |
SketchyPhysics: Piston Add movement to a fly-wheel driven piston using
Do this BEFORE you add the hinges, motors,... Assignment attachment at the bottom of the page |
gears_and_axles_for_moving_gears_tutorial.skp sketchyphysics robot arm parts.skp sketchyphysicsfrontloader.skp |